Face to face, Zoom and telephone counselling available.
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or text me on 07494 965849

Different areas I can help with

Counselling at Essex Talking Therapy
The chances are, if you are looking at my profile, you are struggling with one or more areas of your life at the moment. In fact, you may have been struggling for quite some time but have only just taken the decision to seek out a Counsellor. Although considering therapy can be quite daunting, you have taken the first step by looking for help. I know, from personal experience, how life changing therapy can be.
Do you find yourself awake at night with a head full of worries? and no matter how hard you try you can’t make them disappear! I used to be that person. I had no idea how much personal therapy would help me. Are your negative thoughts ruling you and ruining your life? You may be having relationship problems or have a constant feeling of worry or dread.
Are you struggling with some form of anxiety, maybe even having panic attacks? When we feel anxious, its usually because we are uncertain of the outcome of a particular situation. This feeling is a normal part of our growth and is just part of being alive. However, it becomes a problem when the anxiety provoking event becomes too much due to our thoughts around the event. These ongoing negative thought patterns become unmanageable and can easily build up and escalate very quickly into panic attacks. I can help you form new ways of thinking which will initially help you manage the panic attacks, and in the long term, stop them from occurring.
You may have suffered from a bereavement and are struggling to come to terms with your grief. Do you suffer with constant low mood, even depression? Do you suffer with low sense of self worth or self esteem? Do you lack a sense of purpose in life or maybe you have lost your identity? Until you get to the root of your negative thoughts, these difficulties will not go away and your self defeating cycle will continue. If so, I can help you to find the answers
I offer face to face therapy for individuals and couples. I also offer telephone, online or walking/talking therapy in the local woods. More information can be found on my therapies page.